
Is your past haunting you?


Are you having an extremely rough time trying to understand what is going to be good for you in your future?

If you’re wondering how exactly you’re going to get through a treatment program, Coral Sands is here to help get through the program as well as prepare you for life after this place and our very unique treatment.

Here are 3 ways to help you recover from your past circumstances and prepare you for what life has in store for you:

We are here to help you Re-Focus.

With our recovery plan, the first step is learning how to Re-Focus. This includes detoxing the mind and body, resting and rejuvenating, learning all about addiction and mental health issues, and how these issues affect your thinking, your emotions, and your body. However you are feeling, we will help you do away with those cravings, urges, or whatever may be holding you down. Re-focusing is all about being enlightened and finding the vision to move forward with life. Anyone has the capability of making their life better.

We are here to help you Re-Tool.

When we say Re-Tool, we are talking about creating a specific recovery plan based on your personal needs. This specific recovery plan will be designed for you during the Re-Focus Phase. During the Re-Tool phase our main priority is to prepare you, mentally, physically, and emotionally. By Re-Focusing, we will envision the future you want and by Re-Tooling we will implement necessary action in order to get you ready for some very profound years following our unique treatment program.

We are here to help you Re-Launch.

The final phase is all about Re-Launching. During this phase you will take everything you’ve learned from your recovery plan and turn it into gold. This includes being more aware of what you need and how to be the healthiest version of yourself. We will help you build a support system with continuing care and appropriate referrals even when you leave our treatment program.

These three phases of your recovery plan are going to significantly strengthen your ability to do anything. You will overcome things you thought you’d never be able to. After all, that’s what we’re here for, right? Yes, we are here to help you when you are ready to act.

Recovery Plan | Coral Sands | Utah